Belly Fat Over 50?
Hi just had a thought on losing belly fat and getting fit.
It does not start with “do a bit of exercise!” You need to get your mind in the right place first.
Then you need to make a commitment to doing easy 30 minute session 3 times per week.
Once you get that going, write down what you eat every day for a week.
Oh, you will be shocked what goes onto that mouth of yours, especially if you decide to count the sugar and fat content. You see most of us have had a diet that is just loaded with utter crap. By the way it won’t happen over night, changing to healthier food. If you commit to just changing a couple of things you can really change your body shape in a short time.
For example, eliminate soft drink, soda, sugar and fried foods. Then you may consider all fast food. Start preparing your own healthy options. It will be a challenge worth every cent. It will save you money as well!
If you need to eat fast foods choose healthy options that are not deep fried. Increase vegetable dishes and really get an appetite for home cooked healthy options.
Your health and your belly will be very happy with your choices. You will be extra happy by looking in the mirror and seeing the difference in your appearance.
So lets get fit and healthy. Being over 50 should not be an excuse to be fat and unfit.
If you really want to tackle the fitness thing then I am here to assist you in your progress to a better you!
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Till next time, Tony.