Question: Are our numbers and stats real?
Answer: Our testimonials are real and our numbers are real.
Question: Can I return a product if I don’t like it?
Answer: Yes. We refund within 30 days for our own products.
If you bought the product through our referral to one of our publishers check their “Refund Policy” as there may be different conditions, for example refundable within 60 days.
Question: What should I do if I am unhappy with products I buy or have a complaint about your marketing.
Answer: Please let us know if you are unhappy as we will give a full refund.
Regarding our marketing likewise please let us know because we are here to give you the best experience possible. We want you to be happy.
Question: Can I copy content from this site?
Answer: Yes you can copy our content. However we ask you to recognise us as the author by a link back to our site.
Question: How do you earn money from recommending products?
Answer: We earn a commission from referring products that we recommend.
Question: What is the nature of your business relationship with publishers of products you recommend?
Answer: We recommend products that we have tried or are using. So we know the quality of the products that we recommend. We do not know the publishers of the products personally.
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