Belly Fat Will Not Go!
A reader ask’s.
“Is there anybody out there that has had any success with getting rid of belly fat?
I am 62 y/o, 5’6″, and 185 pounds I have had people tell me that I do not look my weight. It is the belly that makes me look fat. If it were not for that I would look pounds thinner.
I have medium looking arms, legs, and butt. My belly makes me look really fat and I have been trying for years to get rid of it. I only eat 2 meals per day and eat a lot of veggies, nuts and protein. I do not eat meat but I still love my salmon and eggs.
The only sugar I consume is in my tea, which I have twice per day and sometimes I don’t even use sugar. I do not eat cookies, candy and other pastries and I do not eat processed foods at all. Can someone out there help me!”
Nathan Washington DC.
Great question Man! Thank’s for asking.
This brings up a common issue for men. Just because you are struggling doesn’t mean it’s something that you have to settle with. Most men and women over 50 have a build up of belly fat.
You know the burning of energy fast is the way to go. Improving your strength overall will shape your whole body and burn your belly fat. It’s about being consistent in what you do and doing something that you haven’t done before to get the results you want.
And that is why I recommend Joining Our Mailing list to get strategies for men and over 50.Who want to change their body shape and fitness level.
It is a way for older bodies to get tips that give the “NEW” look and trim down and lose belly fat fast! It works well and is time efficient and cost effective.
Joining Shrunkit’s Newsletter is one of the easiest way’s if you are looking to tone your body, to lose stubborn weight, shrink belly fat hanging around your waist line and look 10 years younger!
The great part about the tips is that they come with some cool ideas on diet, fat burning secrets as well as other tips on nutrition and health. You can learn more about losing belly fat and getting a toned body here.
I have been using this method for 10 months now. My body is stronger and fitter than 10 years ago! However, I know it will help you on your quest to lose belly fat and get the “BODY” without fad diets.That’s why I am recommending you take a look at how we lose belly fat and get fit.
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