Workouts For Over 50 year Olds
Dave, posted this question.
“Hi there, I do not work out at all! Where should I start? I have belly
fat and my clothes do not fit.”
Dave, Dublin Ireland.
Solid question, Dave.
If you do not work out at all, you’re going to lose muscle mass every year.
The result will be you’ll get fatter and heavier each and every year
with less tone and more sag.
Do you want this to be you in a few years? “No way,
The best and fastest way to get your muscles toned and belly shrunk is
resistance training.
There is a secret: not many people are doing it right!
I have made it a point to watch many gym goers over the years.
The ones that looked the fittest and the youngest, most defined and
lowest body fat were the ones who had a quick workout.
They were leaving while others were still warming up!
The F4X system that we use combines intensity that gives a great
cardio workout as well. We spend a fast 30 minutes in the gym.
It is time effective, to get your body in awesome shape. Plus gives you time to do other things. You
are not spending hours in the gym!
The old school system is the only way that achieves this for anyone over 40 or even over 50.
Who wants to shrink belly fat and lose weight?
To Get The Fastest and Best Way To Workout For Over 50’s.
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